“I love Mark Hall’s heart. When he writes, whether it’s a song or a book, it’s always from the heart of a gifted teacher and an earnest friend.”
“Mark Hall doesn’t have any secrets or undiscovered formulas. But he does have great insights and wonderful way of sharing them.”
“So I opened ‘The Well’ and began reading. The first chapter sliced straight through to my heart, and so did the second chapter—‘The Hole of Control. The third chapter nailed me again—‘The Hole of Something Better.’ The fourth chapter flashed my name in neon lights—‘The Hole of Approval.’ And on and on it went. I saw myself in every chapter. I read truth on every page. I heard God speak to me, and he convicted my heart.””
Mark's selfie at the hospital right before his successful cancer surgery in February 2015. (That's co-author Tim Luke directly behind Mark's head.)
“Not only has God used Mark Hall to sing songs that tell great stories, but the Lord has blessed him as a wordsmith to tell stories and put them in print that will move our hearts to action.”
The keyboard in Mark's office, where the words to "O My Soul" poured out on the evening of his kidney cancer diagnosis.
“The stories within these pages are real, thought provoking, and inspiring. They captivate the heart of Mark Hall, who writes of them with honesty and humility, and they minister to all who read them.”
Excerpt from Page 87 of "Your Own Jesus" as sketched by a fan.